United States
Muslims for Progressive Values
Hijri Unknown-Present (AH); Common Era Unknown-Present (CE)
Sara Farooqi is a board member of Muslims for Progressive Values, “an inclusive community rooted in the traditional Quranic ideals of human dignity and social justice.”1 The student affairs work she does at the University of California, Davis is an extension of these ideals. She provides referrals and facilitates access to resources for students from underrepresented backgrounds, such as those belonging to communities of color and the LGBT community. Sara graduated from Pitzer, one of the Claremont Colleges, with a bachelor’s degree in Islamic cultural studies and sociology. In addition to her involvement with the Claremont Colleges Muslim Student Association, she co-founded Itihad, a Middle Eastern cultural advocacy and students’ union at the Claremont Colleges, in 2004. She also spent time studying in Turkey and Morocco during the course of her undergraduate education. Following her graduation from Pitzer, Sara was awarded the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs, a nine-month postgraduate ethical leadership training program. Sara has also been featured by gayCULTUREeducation in a number of informational segments about religion and sexuality on topics like grace and mercy in the Quran, ex-gay camps, coming out, and the role of religious parents in the lives of their lesbian and gay children. [1]Muslims for Progressive Values