30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) TOC and Book Cover
Gender-based inequality is a global phenomenon that transcends culture, religion, and income. Although Muslim women’s lives are influenced by a complex interaction of religious, cultural, social, economic, and political factors, religion wields a disproportionately large impact on each of these other factors. In many places, personal bias against women’s equality or distorted religious interpretations lead to violations of women’s rights, adversely affecting the lives of women and girls.

WISE fills a much-needed gap for Muslim women by setting its own agenda by using an egalitarian framework that Muslim women hold dear so that this work can penetrate deeper into the grassroots communities where sustainable social change is most needed. By utilizing core values of Islam as a rallying cry WISE seeks to empower Muslim women to fully participate in their communities and nations, and to amplify their voices at all levels of political, economic, religious, and social discourse.

Our new publication, 30 Rights of Muslim Women, dives into the details of Qur’anic and historical support for Muslim women rights to education, careers, religious leadership, testimony, marriage, and divorce, all classified according to the six objectives of Shariah – right to: life, intellect, religion, dignity, family, and wealth.
WISE fills a much-needed gap for Muslim women by setting its own agenda by using an egalitarian framework that Muslim women hold dear so that this work can penetrate deeper into the grassroots communities where sustainable social change is most needed. By utilizing core values of Islam as a rallying cry WISE seeks to empower Muslim women to fully participate in their communities and nations, and to amplify their voices at all levels of political, economic, religious, and social discourse.
In 2021, WISE will launch a new publication, 30 Rights of Muslim Women, which dives into the details of Qur’anic and historical support for Muslim women rights to education, careers, religious leadership, testimony, marriage and divorce, all classified according to the six objectives of Shariah – right to: life, intellect, religion, dignity, family, and wealth.
It is a first-of-its-kind, one-stop educational resource that synthesizes Islamic religious and legal authorities to uphold a comprehensive suite of women’s rights. This ready sourcebook will function as a toolkit for concrete change, providing actionable recommendations by which Muslim women and girls can affect their self-advancement as follows.
1. Showcase that Islam condemns women’s oppression and supports women’s agency
2. Enable social justice activists to integrate their core beliefs into their movements
3. Educate young Muslims on how to assert their rights within Islam
4. Bridge intergenerational gaps, enabling a supportive family environment
5. Foster an inclusive discussion towards the advancement of Muslim women
Support WISE so we can get this publication into the hands of women everywhere.
30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) TOC and Book Cover
30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) Universal Declaration front page
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A preview of the 30 Rights of Muslim Women book cover and table of contents. This scholarly yet easily accessible book will demonstrate that the Quran and Islamic jurisprudence guarantees a full suite of women’s rights.

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WISE will soon release the Universal Declaration of Muslim Women’s Rights, intended as a formal charge to governments and religious leaders to protect and uphold the “Islamic rights of Muslim women” everywhere.

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30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) 30 Rights Invitation PPT slide 1
Program Information

Global Affiliate Invitation

30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) Screen Shot 2021 08 05 at 12.08.29 PM
Program Information

Universal Declaration of Muslim Women's Rights

30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) Universal Declaration 9 16 2021 page 001 scaled
Program Information

Muslim Women's Rights- A Primer

30 RIGHTS OF  MUSLIM WOMEN (2023) Muslim Women s Rights A primer page 001 scaled