Moushumi Khan


United States

Known for

Civil Rights


Hijri 1391-Present (AH); Common Era 1971-Present (CE)

Moushumi Khan


Moushumi Khan is an attorney and business consultant in private practice in New York City. She has had extensive experience in the non-profit, economic development, and legal sectors. Since February 2001, Moushumi has been in solo legal practice concentrating on corporate and civil rights law. Her clients include the Muslim immigrant populations, and companies with Muslim employee and community relations matters. Moushumi is a leading emerging voice on civil liberties, religious accommodation, interfaith relations, and Muslim identity issues. She has advocated for the American Muslim communities on post-9/11 civil rights issues, including with the Special Registration Process and racial profiling. She is a frequent speaker at various venues, including legal, public and private institutions on the impacts of 9/11 and on being a Muslim lawyer. The national media has consulted her opinion on topics related to Islamic or immigrant matters. She has served on Advisory Committees at the Council on Foreign Relations on immigration, national security and public diplomacy topics, including for the Council Special Report "A New Beginning: Strategies for a More Fruitful Dialogue with the Muslim World." Moushumi has published articles on subjects important to the Muslim American community. She is a co-founder and President of the Muslim Bar Association of New York, and a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She has won numerous awards for her community service. Moushumi is an active participant in interfaith activities and in public diplomacy efforts between the United States and the Muslim world. She has extensive international travel experience, especially in the Muslim world. In 2014, she became the Country Director of The Foundation for Charitable Activities in Bangladesh (FCAB),  an organization of Bangladeshis living abroad giving back to their country of origin. She is fluent in Bengali and has a working knowledge of French. Moushumi earned her JD degree from the University of Michigan Law School in 1996 and received an AB degree in critical social thought, cum laude, from Mount Holyoke College in 1993. She was awarded a Certificate in General Course in the Government Department of the London School of Economics in 1991. Moushumi is admitted to practice in New York.
