Social Worker
Hijri Unknown-Present (AH); Common Era Unknown-Present (CE)
Sarah el-Khatib is a Social Worker and a Project Coordinator at the Women Charity League, an NGO that works at al-Tabbeneh, Tripoli, North Lebanon. Ms. El-Khatib works on two projects; one is a program of school support for students between the ages of 6 and 12, of the official Lebanese schools at al-Tabbeneh, whose parents are illiterate. She also works on implementing professional training courses in seam, esthetics and hairstyle with unskilled girls that include sessions on illiteracy and alphabetic and language structural teaching. Ms. El-Khatib worked for two years at The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence against Women (LECORVAW) and then travelled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah, to teach social science at the King Abdel Aziz University. She holds a teaching diploma in social work from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ University Lebanon).