Executive Chief Officer at Al Alam Al Youm Newspaper in Egypt
Hijri 1389-Present (AH); Common Era 1969-Present (CE)
El Hadidi is Executive Chief Officer at Al Alam Al Youm Newspaper in Egypt, a daily financial newspaper with offices in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan, as well as in Beirut, London, Bonn, Paris, Geneva, and New York. The paper targets opinion leaders, businesswomen and men, and decision-makers at multinational and private companies. It publishes 20,000 copies in Egypt and 40,000 in the Gulf Area. El Hadidi has made numerous television appearances, including a recurrent position on the political program Itkallem, in Egypt. Among other past jobs, she was the Cairo Business Correspondent for Al Jazeera from 1996-2004.