Gulnara Karakulova



Known for

Founder and Director of Women’s Resource Center (WRC) in the South Kazakhstan Region


Hijri Unknown-Present (AH); Common Era Unknown-Present (CE)

Gulnara Karakulova


Gulnara Karakulova is the founder and director of Women’s Resource Center (WRC) in the South Kazakhstan Region, established in 1998. Ms. Karakulova founded the center for the development of leadership among Muslim women, as well as the struggle for freedom of speech, the right for personal safety and the prohibition of discrimination. In 1999, she introduced the project “Women’s summer camp of leadership,” which has taken place every year and provides young women with the chance of discovering new opportunities. In 2002, Ms. Karakulova organized a shelter for victims of violence and human trafficking which is still running successfully today. The shelter presents a temporary place where women can find accommodation for a period of time and get medical, juridical and psychological help. In 2005, Ms. Karakulova established cooperation with the Women’s Learning Partnership (USA) and arranged the First Central-Asian Regional Institute for teaching women’s leadership. Ms. Karakulova has received numerous awards, as well as a nomination for “The Best Organization Headed by a Woman.” She has also been awarded a diploma by the Chairman of the National Commission on Family and Women under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her participation in the “National fair of women’s ideas and products.” Ms. Karakulova is the author of the book Assistance to the Victims of Human Trafficking: Legal Aspects, published in 2009. She has also been involved in the drafting and designing of 16 socially important projects aimed at improving life sustainability of poor Muslim women which have been fully realized by WRC.